Conflict Resolution

Conflict Resolution

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online or in-person, private bookings only
A gentle exploration of how we interact with others
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Conflict is a vital part of creative communication and collaboration, but often it is the cause of distress and discomfort. Living and/or working with others is deeply challenging as we all have our own ideas, our own ways of working, and our own agendas. In trying to resolve our conflicts we often make them worse. We may enter these conversations in an emotional aroused state, and the language we use can be blaming, frustrated or judgmental, and it becomes difficult to hear the perspective of the other, or to be heard yourself.

Most conflict arises through a breakdown in communication. Quite simply, we forget how to talk with one another. This workshop adresses the problem directly. Conversation is something we all participate in, frequently. Much of the time it is lighthearted and non-threatening, simply a tool we utilise for social interaction. But holding a serious, or potentially awkward conversation is an art, and not something we can take lightly. It is helpful to enter such conversations well prepared, thoughtful and compassionate, releasing our own agendas and showing up in a spirit of understanding and enquiry. Healthy, respectful interaction lowers arousal and paves the way for the restoration of relationship.

"The art of conversation is the art of hearing as well as of being heard." — William Hazlitt

Method and Framework

Interleaving Augusto Boal's theatre work with the Human Givens model, Clean Language and Quaker discernment practices, this workshop offers a set of ideas and skills, and provides a space to explore their applicability. Using your own scenarios, potential (or actual) conflicts can be role-played in a safe environment, where mistakes and outright failure are all part of the learning process.

When it comes to holding difficult conversations there are no simple solutions, and no technique that is guaranteed to work. This workshop begins with that recognition, and will end with its acceptance. And yet we can all do better, and here you'll have the opportunity to acquire some basic skills, and through listening, observing, and practicing the art of conversation to learn from one another.

It is important to remember that resolving conflict does not mean making everything nice, or everyone happy. This is not an exercise in compromise. Conflict is a powerful tool for creativity, and for change. This workshop will stay focused on the positive aspects of conflict, looking to utilise it thoughtfully, mindfully and respectfully.

"Happiness is a garden walled with glass: there's no way in or out. In Paradise there are no stories, because there are no journeys. It's loss and regret and misery and yearning that drive the story forward, along its twisted road." — Margaret Atwood, The Blind Assassin

Facilitator: Tobias Mayer

I have been facilitating groups for over thirty years, and have been consulting in the corporate world since 2005. With two marriages, one divorce, four children, multiple encounters with drug addicts and alcoholics, and many years working in the probation, youth work and refugee support fields I feel well seasoned in the world of awkward conversations and conflict resolution. I currently teach public workshops in the business world, and study Theology and Human Givens psychotherapy.

Selected Participant Reflections

"Thank you, Tobias, for such a soul-feeding experience today! The role play was downright cathartic for me and I'm so grateful that you created this space for human beings to play and struggle in. One of the best learning experiences of my life. I have learned so much from you: not just about the substance of the class but about teaching too." — Maria Fafard, executive coach & facilitator

"It was an intense and insightful day. I enjoyed the artful way in which Tobias created the time and space to work on a few issues with focus, honesty and a huge amount of courage. Essential and authentic, it still resonates in me and helps me to look to my conflicts with different eyes." — Francesco Garcea, trainer, facilitator

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Workshop Availability

This is offered as an online or in-person/on-site workshop, spanning one full day. It is currently available through private booking only. Click the blue button to express interest, and we can start a conversation to see if this workshop will be useful to your organisation.


This workshop is offered at cost to faith-based community non-profits in the UK, otherwise pricing is as follows:
  • Online: £4,000
  • In Person
  • UK: £5,000 + VAT
  • Rest of Europe: £7,500
  • Everywhere Else: £10,000
  • Workshop limited to 16 people

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    Image: Participants at the workshop, February 2020, photos by Gabor Bittera
    Page created: 01/12/2022 00:00:00
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