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Phase 2: The Scrum Master as Court Jester or Prophet

"An effective Scrum Master must have the trust of others and the courage of herself to speak truth to power, as a medieval court jester was wont to do, often to the dismay of other advisors. Speaking truth will not make you popular." — from The Scrum Master Journey

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Phase 2 of the Scrum Master Journey is a 3-6 month programme of self-study, mentorship, work experience and community interaction, tailored for the individual learner.

The Advanced Certified Scrum Master (ACSM) certificate is awarded at the end of this phase.

Phase 2 Requirements

The participant must be able to prove one year's work experience as a scrum master to achieve the ACSM designation. It is recommended the work experience is gained in parallel with this course of study.


Successfully completed Phase 1 of the Scrum Master Journey.


Identify someone to mentor you. Ideally this will be someone who is a little further on their Scrum Master journey than you, but it is equally effective to work with someone who is also undertaking phase 2 in parallel with you. You may haver more than one mentor.

The job of the mentor is to guide you through the ACSM learning objectives and other personal study requirements. This guidance will include two or more visits (in-person or online) to your organisation to observe you in practice. You and your mentor will work out the most suitable times and situations for these visits.

Individual Study

  • Work through the ACSM learning objectives, discuss with mentor. Be confident that each learning objective is met
  • Continue to study The Scrum Guide
  • Read and implement The Scrum Master Checklist by Michael James
  • Read The Scrum Master Role by the LeSS team
  • Read at least one introductory Scrum book, and discuss with your mentor.
  • Create a summary report of your Phase 2 journey. This can be in the form of a written article, an audio recording, a video, or even a drawing. Your report will become part of our resource library to support new learners.

The learning objectives will be validated by your mentor. Written/recorded work will be reviewed by the CST. Students are free to publish the work on their blog, the Scrum Alliance website, or elsewhere to receive wider feedback from the community.

Workshops & Community Interaction

  • Workshops, events and other community interaction are tailored to the individual student, with an overall time commitment of 3-5 full days.

Work Experience

Assist on two of Tobias Mayer's online CSM classes in the role of scrum master to one or two teams. In this capacity you will practice your scrum master skills in a supportive environment, working with other learners. More details of the role on application.


Registrations are closed for 2024. A new cohort will be created in 2025. Please get back in touch in January. Meanwhile, to show interest, please join one or more of my workshops or hosted events, and subscribe to my monthly newsletter. I look forward to meeting you in due course.

Image: Musician and dancing fool in Paris, 14th century. (Christophel Fine Art/UIG via Getty Images)
Page created: 01/12/2022 00:00:00
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